Paul Tooby, a Quiet Man Who Moved Mountains

10.03.25 - Pressenza New York

This post is also available in: Spanish

Paul Tooby passed away today, March 9, 2025, in Red Bluff, California.

In contrast to the noise and exuberance of the moment, Paul was a loving, kind, quiet, and reserved man with unbelievable perseverance and dedication.

He dedicated his life to Universal Humanism, promoting the work developed by Silo (Mario Rodríguez Cobos). In 1992, he founded the publishing company Latitude Press, dedicated to showcasing and amplifying the voices of authors working toward the development of the concept of a “universal human nation.”

In 1993, Paul translated from Spanish and published Tales for Heart and Mind: The Guided Experiences—A Storybook for Grownups by Silo. He was among the first to recognize the importance of making Silo’s work accessible to the English-speaking community.

Silo (1938–2010), a prolific Argentine author, continues to inspire a growing following worldwide. His teachings offer a new spiritual path that combines personal and social transformation, guiding humanity toward a “universal human nation.”

From the very beginning, Paul was instrumental in the creation of the Park of Study and Reflection in Red Bluff, California—a space dedicated to the study of the human being and their evolutionary possibilities toward a nonviolent world, free from discrimination. Today, there are more than forty such Parks located across five continents.

Bon voyage to the City of Light, dear Paul!

International Financial Campaign

Dear friends,

We hope you are doing well!  We are reaching out with our International Financial Campaign from the Red Bluff Park of Study and Reflection in California where the framework of our Hall is already rising from the foundation, and the outer walls are next in line for construction.

Our intention is to complete the construction of our hall by the end of the year.

Our campaign will run in two phases:

April 1-30: For larger pledges and contributions of $1,000 Dollars/Euros or more. Note: This could be one or several people combining together to raise the money.

May 1-31: For smaller pledges and contributions of any amount.

Our goal is to raise $150,000 to complete the hall's exterior construction. We are optimistic about finishing the construction in the months following the campaign, with the aim of opening the hall in the spring of 2025.

For those who might not be familiar, Red Bluff Park was one of the five original regional Parks of Study and Reflection to be established.

Geographically, we are situated halfway between Canada and Mexico on the Pan American Highway, which directly connects to the Park of Study and Reflection at Manantiales in Chile. 

We are also close to Highway 80, linking the West Coast of the United States to the East Coast, all the way to New York, and the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection.

Here is a short video about the park:

And here are the options for sending your contribution:

Send contributions to Pangea World Community

You can use Paypal to transfer money. Our PayPal account is

Donations can be made by check to Pangea World Community (PO Box 460314, San Francisco, CA 94146 - note: Meditation Hall) 

We can make arrangements for you to send Cash if you prefer. Friends from Red Bluff Park will be at the Messenger Meeting in Toledo for example.

For Bank Transfers please contact Kathy Beck at

Don't forget to let us know about your pledge or contribution - just send a message to anyone on the Red Bluff Park Hall team:

Michael Cameron:

Rocio Orieta:

Ken Dickinson:

Janet Shirley:

Richard Tehran:

Paula D'Albenas:

Kathy Beck:

Trudi Richards:

Nora Ines Murai Pavon:

Your support means a lot to us. Thanks for considering a contribution to our Hall Construction Project!

We will keep you informed about our progress with the financial campaign.

We would appreciate you circulating this message as widely as possible!

Sending you a big hug,

The Red Bluff Park Hall Team